Rehab & Remedial Course of Treatments

If particular musculo-skeletal problems are identified during the initial assessment e.g. crookedness, back pain, stiffness, specific conditions, after a fall.
Jess may suggest a remedial massage course with very regular treatments for several weeks.
During this time, the expertise of farriers, saddlers, chiropractors etc, may also be sought as appropriate. (Please note, that massage is not a substitute for veterinary attention).
Benefits of a course of treatments include:

  • Reduces healing time and aids recovery
  • Removes lactic acid from the muscles
  • Helps to mobilise joints
  • Reduces and relaxes muscle tension
  • Releases trigger / stress points, which can be the sole cause of other problems and often take more than one treatment to fully release
  • Increases the horse’s range of movement and suppleness
  • Reduces crookedness and helps develop muscles more evenly
  • Prevents muscles shortening which occurs after muscle injury
  • Reduces scar tissue from the muscle
  • Prevents muscle wastage after injury

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